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Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The Farrs second visit to Bletchley Park.

 We had time to take the official  tour this time and had the really excellent Ray Goff as a guide, during the tour he managed to show the principals of code breaking in such a simple manner that even a bear with very little brain could understand.
The Mansion.
 Ray explains the Bombe mechanical computer that broke the very early codes.
 Now he explains Colossus the first programmable electronic computer.
 Tony Jarvis runs the Post Office
Work is underway to refurbish the old cold store at the mansion.
A visitor plays safe with Ray's sore throat.
More information on Bletchley Park HERE

Monday, 25 October 2010

Nearly thrown out of a Cambridge Cinema.

Nearly thrown out of a Cambridge Cinema for photographing the man in the iron mask doing the making popcorn health and safety bit.


Friday, 22 October 2010


 A Braille map of Cambridge.
 Some signs that would suit my neighbours, 
but not my old Astra.
Bikes as far as the eye can see.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Bath Rotary Club / BIBS firework poster contest

Tabiths went to the Mayors Parlour today to collect her certificate from the Mayor of Bath Cnnlr Shaun McGaull today

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Some more pictures from Bletchley Park.

 Home Guard Manuals.
 Some real Harbutts Plasticine, made in Bathampton.
 A mechanical computer front view.
 Rear view of the Bombe, note the oil drip tray
underneath this mechanical computer.
 A Naval Enigma.
 A scale model of GCHQ.
 The old Post Office.
 The signals room that fed 
the punch tape to Colossus

 Some of the thousand 
vacuum tubes in Colossus.
Colossus one of the first program 
controlled electronic computers.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Our visit to Bletchley Park.

 A Three Rotor Enigma as used by the German Army and Air Force
 Hut 8 Alan Turing's Office.
  Statue of Alan Turing in slate by Stephen Kettle
A room furnished in 1940's style.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Bath Chronicle 250th Anniversary exhibition.

 A few pictures from the opening of the Bath Chronicle 250th Anniversary exhibition at the BRSLI in Queens Square until the 23rd of October.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Sizzle stands guard.

Boxer Dog Sizzle guards the door at Oldfield Park Bookshop, while his owners browses inside.